The Sugar Stick

Aren’t it the little things that count?

Sweet packed

Bistrosugar designs

Since it was in­tro­duced in Eu­rope, the su­gar stick has out­classed ev­ery other form of su­gar pack­ag­ing. The easy and hy­gien­ic han­dling, how­ev­er, play on­ly a se­condary role. With its man­i­fold ap­pear­ances, it ma­n­ages to con­vey the most dif­fer­ent pro­cla­ma­tions. Find out more about our ex­clu­sive de­signs start­ing at Dolce Vi­ta, Mille­fleurs over to Five o'clock.

Dolce Vita
Dolce Vita
Dolce Vita Rohrzuckersticks
Dolce Vita Rohrzuckersticks
Golden Sunrise
Golden Sunrise
Short & Sweet
Short & Sweet
Black & White Zuckersticks
Black & White
Five o'clock Cane Sugar
Five o'clock Cane Sugar
Zuckersticks Fairtrade weiß
Sugar Sticks Fairtrade white
 Zuckersticks Fairtrade braun
Sugar Sticks Fairtrade brown
Organic Sugar Sticks
Organic Sugar Sticks

Bistrozucker Shaker

Cane Sugar
Cane Sugar
Ceylon Cinnamon Sugar
Ceylon Cinnamon Sugar
Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
Ceylon Cinnamon Powder

My Sugar Stick

Individual Sugar Sticks

Cus­tomize your own sugar stick to match your corporate design!