Your Message

Enjoyed a thousandfold

Individual Sugar Sticks

Customize your stick!

Set new stan­dards and send a per­so­n­al­ized mes­sage, with your own pri­vate la­bel. Get your su­gar sticks done to match your cor­po­rate de­sign. Our ar­ray of col­ors and de­signs are end­less! This is how it goes:

Send us a re­quest > pro­vide us with rel­e­vant da­ta via email > en­joy your cre­a­tion!

Email us at in­fo@bistrozuck­ for more in­for­ma­tion,or use our in­quiry form. 

Ad­di­tio­n­al in­for­ma­tion
Sugar types: na­t­u­ral white su­gar, na­t­u­ral gol­d­en cane su­gar, or­gan­ic su­gar, other types on re­quest
Min­i­mum quan­ti­ty: From 6 car­tons filled with 1000 su­gar sticks.
Pack­ag­ing: From car­tons fitt­ing 50 su­gar sticks to 2000 su­gar sticks.
De­liv­ery time: 3 weeks af­ter the print re­lease.
Print method: Flexo

plain or photographic?